
KiwiRail DC 4467flagOringi Oringi

A Milk train waiting to be filled then will head for Whareroa .

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©  Nov 7, 2011





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/2000
Aperture: f/4.6
Focal length: 30 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 13:04

A Milk train waiting to be filled then will head for Whareroa .

DC 4467 still going strong nearly 10 years on. Looks mint in your photo. Maybe first photo I've seen taken at the Oringi complex.
@John.Russell.4NZSteam nearly ten years ago now! I must’ve seen that train from the road? Kind of just walked in there and got the picture. Then saw one of those nz built TRs. Was looking at that when someone explained that I needed a vest etc.
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