
UZ ED2T 0047flagStantsiia Mariupol Stantsiia Mariupol

Nikon F5+Nikkor 50/1.4+ Kodak Ektachrom E100

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©  Oct 10, 2020





Nikon F5

ISO: 100
Time: 12:47

Nikon F5+Nikkor 50/1.4+ Kodak Ektachrom E100

Great quality! How is Nikon F5, is it good camera? Maybe I will buy it too.
Yes, Nikon F5 can be considered the best Nikon film camera in terms of functionality and ernomics that I have used. I shoot with Nikon F, F3, F4, F5, FM2n. Maybe the F6 is even better, but I didn't hold it in my hands and I don't like the lack of an interchangeable viewfinder. The Nikon F5 is very good when used with the DA-30 interchangeable sports viewfinder. In this shot, the main success lies in the use of slide film and accurate metering. I have long wanted to shoot a railway in a medium format, but it is very troublesome.
@thorax Thanks. Nice collection of Nikon cameras! Right now I have only Nikon FM film camera, but next I'm looking for F3HP. Also thinking about adding second DSLR to my collection, possibly D4. Nikon has so many great cameras and lenses to choose!
What method, Dmytro, are you using to digitize your film photos? The sharpness of your pictures is excellent!
@Romet.Lyytsepp Nikon F3 HP is an excellent choice, I have it in this configuration. Still better than the Nikon F4. This is my favorite Nikon film camera. It has a film rewind motor, which is very convenient for dynamic scenes when you do not have time to rewind the frame. You can find a separate motor for the F3, but this is a rarity.
@Maersk.146 I scan film in the laboratory with Noritsu equipment. This is a link to the original scan of the slide without color correction https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LjQZ3PEEErukh5WmLwyDMzPyq-zkjy..aring
Also thinking about adding second DSLR to my collection, possibly D4

Nikon D4s will be better! It has an improved autofocus system!
@thorax Autofocus is not problem for me, because I only use old manual focus Nikkors!
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