
YVT Steeplecab 298flagYakima WA Yakima

Birthday party for #298

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©  Sep 24, 2022





Birthday party for #298

Big day for the Yakima Valley Trolley’s only GE 50-ton Steeple cab electric loco, which celebrates its 100th birthday today. For the occasion, #298 left the museum’s barn and ran under its own power up and down Pine Street in Yakima. The loco definitely attracted a lot of attention not only from railway enthusiasts, but also from ordinary people who happened to pass by. “Look, what a badass!”, - a lady crossing Pine St.

While Yakima Valley Trolley museum runs tram rides every weekend throughout summer season, #298 had not left the barn for a very long time until early September 2022, when it was repaired to running condition in preparation to its centennial.
@YuriZhuck - That’s great! Nice shot, too.
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