
AMTK F40PHR 329flagKansas City MO Kansas City

AMTK 329 arrives in KC from St. Louis with the Missouri Mule.

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©  Mar 24, 1991





Scanned with a LS-8000

AMTK 329 arrives in KC from St. Louis with the Missouri Mule.

Nikon F3, 300mm f/4, correction: probably Kodak Gold or Ektar print film, 1/500@f/8
@Maersk.146 Nice! What kind of 300/4 lens this was? Nikon has many different versions, AI and AI-S 300mm f4.5 MF or was it 300mm f4 AF version?
Thanks! It was the 300 f/4 (screw-drive) AF, a nice, sharp, heavy piece of glass. Even though it was 30+years old, it still brought a good price as a trade-in.
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