
IR WAP-7 37368flagTrivandrum Central Kerala Trivandrum Central

First shot with new cam,CANON EOS R10 of electric & diesel power

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©  Apr 5, 2023





Canon EOS R10

Exposure: 1/500
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 40 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 15:36

First shot with new cam,CANON EOS R10 of electric & diesel power

hopefully you'll enjoy your new camera
@stefan Mirror less cam is a different experience ....
First shot with new cam,CANON EOS R10 of electric & diesel traction in yard, at my home station, Thiruvananthapuram Central Station. Started photography with a point and shoot camera and then moved to Canon SX40HS. Then came Canon 1200D and from there to Canon 77D. Now the mirror less cam photography started with Canon EOS R 10 which is a different experience ...
Nicely done! Good color and clarity.
@Maersk.146 Thank you....
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