
BNSF ES44DC 7438flagLudlow CA Ludlow

A colorful lashup on the BNSF Railway

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©  Jan 4, 2014






Exposure: 10/5000
Focal length: 95 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 15:18

A colorful lashup on the BNSF Railway

storyBNSF Railway train H-SLABAR9-03A (High Priority Merchandise, Slaton TX to Barstow CA) has one of the most colorful consists I've seen in quite a while, as it includes two Heritage diesels from two different railroads: Union Pacific 1982 (the Missouri Pacific unit) and Norfolk Southern 1069 (the Virginian unit), along with a pair of old SD60Ms still in BN Cascade Green! The full consist was BNSF ES44DC 7438, UP SD70ACe 1982, NS SD70ACe 1069, BNSF Dash 9-44CW 4541, BNSF SD60M 8180 and BNSF SD60M 8195 (with BNSF Dash 9-44CW 4309 as the rear-end DPU). UP 1983 and NS 1069 have been coupled together for a while - Since late December (thanks to someone at the BNSF who understood the importance of these two, and thought it would be a unique opportunity)! They operated on several trains in the Midwest - as the sole power. This is the first time two Heritage units from two roads have worked together.
Very colorful lash up indeed! Even though the heritage units are not leading, you sure got a very nice angle to capture the entire engine consist. Sure look forward to seeing more of your pictures!
Great pic, Craig! On my 'bucket list' is to go to the States and see this sort of thing for myself!
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