
FSR WAB 794flagMaewa Maewa

After passing KiwiRail trains, 794 starts off again for Taihape.

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©  Mar 12, 2016





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/640
Aperture: f/9.1
Focal length: 47 mm
ISO: 250
Time: 11:04

After passing KiwiRail trains, 794 starts off again for Taihape.

794 was built at Hillside in Dunedin in 1927 and after restoration returned to mainline running in 2003. 794 is based at the Feilding Steam Rail depot but is owned by New Zealand Railway Locomotive Society. Steaming away from Maewa where it stopped for KiwiRail freight trains to pass on the busy line from Palmerston North, the loco was making a run to Taihape for the annual Gumboot Day.
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