
KiwiRail DFB 7267flagMaymorn Maymorn

Metlink train 1602 Wellington - Masterton departs Maymorn.

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©  Apr 22, 2016





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/800
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 58 mm
ISO: 250
Time: 09:25

Metlink train 1602 Wellington - Masterton departs Maymorn.

The DF class were built by GM in Canada and introduced from 1979. In 1990's were upgraded with turbo etc to GT22 MC. Locomotives working Metlink trains between Wellington and Masterton have special fire suppression equipment fitted for working through the 8,8 Km long Rimutaka tunnel which this train is about to enter. The carriages are ex-British Rail Mk II which were extensively refurbished.
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