Photo Location Help

I'm looking for some help with photo locations for the next few weeks/months. Usually finding photo locations isn't all that hard to do, but with the changing amounts of traffic in certain area's and with overgrowth everchanging I'm looking for some advice. Maybe there's some people here who have some good advice.

I usually prefer to take photo's alongside the line, so not at stations or at least without any platforms visible. Non-electrified lines are preferred over electrified lines. I also prefer freight trains over passenger trains and even with passenger trains: hauled trains over units. Oh, and I have to do everything by public transport.

Lithuania - part1
I'll be spending just 1 single day (a saturday) out of Vilnius. I'm looking for a place basically anywhere I can go be leaving Vilnius in the morning and being able to get back to my hotel during the evening. I'd prefer to get some freight trains of hauled passenger trains on photo this day.

Lithuania - part2
After the previously mentioned day I'll have a morning (on sunday) in Vilnius. I only have a few hours in the morning: I have to be at the airport around noon. So is anything besides some dull photo's at Vilnius passenger station possible? Is the line around Vilnius airport any interesting? I'd be glad with anything really.

Iasi (RO)
I'll have 2 days out of Iasi, starting and ending there. Basically I can stay somewhere else inbetween those days if there's a hotel/airbnb that isn't too expensive.

Katowice (PL)
I got several days out of Katowice. I'd like, if possible, get some of the electric double-loco's on photo and if possible any ST44/M62 or 6400 on photo. So any location where those might pass in a regular basis might be nice.