Rail business of Regiojet continues to grow, so after years of second-hand refurbished and leased locomotives was finally made a decission to build own fleet. This fourth Traxx MS closes first half of contracted pieces, next four are awaited. |
Family: | TRAXX | ||||||||
Series: | Traxx 2E | ||||||||
Build: | Bombardier 2006 | ||||||||
Top speed: | 140 km/h | ||||||||
Gauge: | 1435 mm | ||||||||
UIC axles: | Bo'Bo' | ||||||||
Width: | 2.98 m | ||||||||
Weight: | 85 t | ||||||||
Electric systems: | 15 kV AC 16.7 Hz 25 kV AC 50 Hz 1.5 kV DC (4000 kW) 3 kV DC |
Power output: | 5600 kW |
Tractive effort: | 300 kN |
Source: | en.wikipedia.org | ||||||||
Note: NS E186 is a 160km/h Version (F160 MS) |
AKIEM 186 | AKIEM | 1 | |
Arenaways E484 | Arenaways | 2 | |
BEBRA 186 | HLG Holzlogistik und Güterbahn | 1 | |
BLS 186 | BLS AG | 10 | |
BLS Re 486 | BLS AG | 11 | |
BoxXpress 186 | BoxXpress.de GmbH | 1 | |
BTEX 186 | Bahn Touristik Express | 1 | |
CB Rail E186 | CB Rail | 1 | |
CCW 186 | Captrain Deutschland CargoWest | 11 | |
ČDC 186 | ČD Cargo | 1 | |
CFL Cargo 186 | CFL Cargo | 1 | |
Cisalpino E484 | Cisalpino AG | 3 | |
CRB 186 | Crossrail Benelux | 16 | |
Crossrail 186 | Crossrail | 10 | |
CRS 186 | Continental Rail Services | 1 | |
CTB 186 | Captrain Benelux | 8 | |
CTD 186 | Captrain Deutschland | 7 | |
CTI E186 | Captrain Italia | 0 | |
CTI E484 | Captrain Italia | 8 | |
CTL 186 | CTL Logistics GmbH | 3 | |
DB 186 | Deutsche Bahn AG | 3 | |
DBC 186 | DB Cargo Deutschland | 36 | |
DBCFR E186 | DB Cargo France | 54 | |
DBCIT 186 | DB Cargo Italia | 2 | |
EWG 186 | East West Gate - Intermodális Logisztikai Zrt. | 1 | |
Floyd 186 | Floyd ZRt. | 1 | |
FPL E186 | Freightliner Poland | 1 | |
FuoriMuro E484 | FuoriMuro Servizi Portuali e Ferroviari | 2 | |
HSL 186 | HSL Logistik | 13 | |
ID 186 | Industrial Division (CargoUnit) | 1 | |
IDSC 186 | IDS CARGO a.s | 1 | |
ISC 484 | Interporto Servizi Cargo | 3 | |
ITL 186 | ITL Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH | 15 | |
KombiRail 186 | Kombirail Europe B.V. | 13 | |
Kombiverkehr 186 | Kombiverkehr GmbH & Co KG | 0 | |
KSL 186 | Koleje Śląskie | 0 | |
LBL 186 | LOCON Benelux | 2 | |
Linea E186 | Linea Smart Business Ways | 3 | |
Lineas 186 | Lineas | 60 | |
LOCON 186 | LOCON Logistik & Consulting | 1 | |
Lokomotion 186 | Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH | 21 | |
Lokomotion 486 | Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH | 2 | |
LokoTrain 186 | LokoTrain / Loko Trans | 1 | |
LOTOS 186 | LOTOS Kolej Sp. z o.o. | 7 | |
LTE 186 | Logistik und Transport GmbH | 16 | |
LTE 286 | Logistik und Transport GmbH | 1 | |
MDW 186 | Medway Italia S.r.l. | 11 | |
Metrans 186 | Metrans | 14 | |
Metrans 386 | Metrans | 27 | |
MRCE E484 | MRCE Dispolok GmbH | 1 | |
NIAG 186 | Niederrheinische Verkehrsbetriebe AG | 1 | |
NS 186 | Dutch Railways | 76 | |
NSI E186 | NS International | 23 | |
Oceanogate E484 | Oceanogate Italia S.p.A | 4 | |
OKT E186 | Orlen Koltrans | 3 | |
PCC Intermodal 186 | PCC Intermodal | 1 | |
PCI 186 | PKP Cargo International | 4 | |
PKP Cargo EU43 | PKP Cargo | 5 | |
Polregio E186 | Przewozy Regionalne | 2 | |
PSZ 186 | Prvá Slovenská Zeleznièná | 1 | |
RailAdventure 186 | RailAdventure GmbH | 1 | |
railCare 186 | RailCare AG | 4 | |
Railtraxx 186 | Railtraxx BVBA | 4 | |
RCI 186 | Rail Cargo Italia | 1 | |
ReTrack 186 | Retrack GmbH & Co. KG | 5 | |
RFO 186 | Rail Force One | 3 | |
RJ 186 | RegioJet a.s. | 1 | |
RJ 386 | RegioJet a.s. | 4 | |
Rpool 186 | Railpool GmbH | 4 | |
RRI 186 | Rhenus Rail St. Ingbert GmbH | 1 | |
RSC 186 | Rail Service Center Waalhaven | 4 | |
RTB Cargo 186 | RTB Cargo GmbH | 23 | |
RTC E186 | Rail Traction Company | 23 | |
RTI 186 | Railtrans International | 1 | |
RTT 186 | Railtrans | 1 | |
SBB Cargo E186 | SBB Cargo | 12 | |
SBB Cargo Re 484 | SBB Cargo | 24 | |
SERFER E486 | Serfer Servizi Ferroviari S.r.l | 7 | |
SNCB 28 | SNCB/NMBS | 48 | |
SNCB 29 | SNCB/NMBS | 5 | |
SNCF 186 | French National Railway Corporation | 7 | |
TCA 186 | Terminal Athus | 2 | |
TCS 186 | Train Charter Services B.V. | 1 | |
Transchem 186 | Transchem Sp. zo. o. | 7 | |
Transpetrol E186 | Transpetrol | 2 | |
TXL 186 | TXLogistik | 3 | |
UNIDO 186 | Unipetrol Doprava | 1 | |
Veolia CIT E484 | Veolia Cargo Italia | 2 | |
VPS 186 | Verkehrsbetriebe Peine-Salzgitter GmbH | 3 | |
VTG Deutschland 186 | VTG Aktiengesellschaft | 1 |