
BNSF ES44DC 7394flagCarrollton MO Carrollton

BNSF 7394 East leads domestic containers toward Chicago.

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©  Jan 23, 2021






Exposure: 10/20000
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 230 mm
ISO: 800
Time: 10:58

BNSF 7394 East leads domestic containers toward Chicago.

@Maersk.146 Maybe you are familiar with the logistics of 53’ containers. At ports in West goods are reloaded from ocean containers to domestic containers and then shipped forward? I’ve wondered about this since my first trip to USA. Because domestic 53’ containers are not used to ship goods onboard ocean vessels as far as I know.
Yes, that is correct. Sometimes they will trans-load cargo from ocean boxes to the US domestic boxes, but some are sent through in the ocean boxes as they are.
@Maersk.146 That seems like a lot of unnecessary work, to reload from one container to another. It is mostly human labor too. I have done this kind of job few times, it’s pretty hard work. But I guess it makes economic sense then to ship goods in bigger containers.
Yeah, I don’t think it makes sense either, but they didn’t ask for my opinion, oddly 😆.
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