
IR WDG-4G 49054flagInchhapuri Railroad Station Haryana Inchhapuri Railroa..

WDG-4G with double stack container freight entering the loopline

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©  Dec 30, 2021





WDG-4G with double stack container freight entering the loopline

Very nice! This is an unusual train for India!
@Ilia.Obuhov.52 Thank you so much! Double stack container trains are now pretty common sight in the Northern and Western parts of India .
Nice shot! With the style of flat car in use as shown, these double stacks actually sit higher than their counterparts in the USA, which ride in wells between the inner wheels of the bogies.
@Maersk.146 Thank you.. I also noticed the difference..Also because of the insane height, the OHE has also been kept higher to run electric locomotives..
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