
UP SD70M 4329flagTopeka KS Topeka

UP 4329 sits with dozens of similar models awaiting their fate.

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©  Nov 6, 2022






Exposure: 10/25000
Aperture: f/7.1
Focal length: 100 mm
ISO: 500
Time: 12:43
GPS: 39.0818 -95.716
1148K 1920x1280

UP 4329 sits with dozens of similar models awaiting their fate.

Oh my, this is such a cool shot. Storing so many engines on a random siding still never misses to amaze me!
Thanks! As neat as they look, we're sorry to see so many locos sidelined, which illustrates the failure of PSR to "Pivot to Growth" as had been hyped by the railroads as the next phase of PSR (Precision Scheduled Railroading). PSR is really only about eliminating jobs and sucking every penny of value out of the enterprise without considering the long term consequences of such transparently greedy policies. Back in the 60's and 70's, the buzzwords of US rail management were "Deferred Maintenance", meaning that nothing was fixed unless it broke, and routine maintenance choked off beyond that which was necessary to ensure smooth, predictable operations on a daily basis. Today's PSR is the red-headed stepchild of those irresponsible strategies of the past.
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