
BNSF ES44C4 6689flagSibley Railroad Bridge MO Sibley Railroad Br..

BNSF 6689 West comes off the bridge with a grain load.

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©  Feb 26, 2023






Exposure: 10/16000
Aperture: f/5
Focal length: 165 mm
ISO: 2000
Time: 08:25
GPS: 39.1769 -94.1811
1223K 1920x1280

BNSF 6689 West comes off the bridge with a grain load.

Of course this would be better framed as a vertical format, but as we don’t accept vertical formats, this image is balanced to show the whole bridge and associated features along with the train 🙂.
Nice composition! I like it!
Thank you, Ilia! 🙂
Thats a cool shot!
Thank you very much! This scene will be changing substantially in the next year or two as BNSF builds a new bridge just to the right (downstream side) of this one, which will eliminate the last major single-track bottleneck between Kansas City and Chicago on their legendary TransCon. There will hopefully be some new vantage points created as they remove some of the trees out of view to the right.
@Maersk.146 Thats really nice.. Infra upgrades like this are very much required in this time..
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