
ZSSK Cargo 131 031flagTatranska Strba Tatranska Strba

“There is lightning over the Tatras, Thunders loudly sound”

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©  Jun 2, 2023





Canon EOS R

Exposure: 1/640
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 45 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 12:26

“There is lightning over the Tatras, Thunders loudly sound”

story“Nad Tatrou sa blýska, Hromy divo bijú”
“There is lightning over the Tatras, Thunders loudly sound”
After sleeping a night in the town of Štrba , I went photographing from early that morning in the surrounding area. Having been at several nice morning locations I went to the well-known afternoon spot just a mile outside both town and the main railway station (do note: the railway station serving the town of Štrba is the small stop of Štrba Zastávka). There were lightning storms forecasted for the last morning and afternoon. As I had to get my train home just before 4pm I tried to get as many photo’s as possible before I had to head safely for the station. Luckily I stayed dry and in warm sunlight the entire day, while the thunder storms stayed above the high Tatra’s. Like in the Slovakian anthem.

The type 131 double-loco’s are ZSSK Cargo’s main workhorses on the line between Ostrava(CZ), Žilina, Košice and Čierna nad Tisou. Although maybe not as good looking at the type 125, which I also got on photo a few times now, they do have a certain charme. And they can be seen in more than just 2 liveries. While the storms stayed above the Tatra mountains I was able to get the 131 031, which carries one of the more modern liveries, on photo.
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