
@private-ee ChME3 3360+3759flagKopli Kopli

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©  May 7, 2024





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New versus old - The Kopli Peninsula has historically been filled with industry. This has been slowly changing as the big industrial companies have closed in the past 30 years and the land has been claimed by the residential buildings and areas, as seen in the background by these new buildings. In the top the Peninsula there is a big port and in there there was an Oil shipment company called Dekoil. Last year they announced their foreclosure, as they do not see a future for business. They also operated this small railway line to the port area with 3 locomotives. First of the three was sold in 2018, two remained and worked until 2023. Now as the company is closing the engines were sold, and after 25 years of service to this company and this shortline, this is their last ride, out of their home, their depo. The sort line probably will remain intact for the foreseeable future, but as the residential life is claiming more and more of the Kopli Kopli Peninsula, we never know for how long and if there ever will be another train riding this line.
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