
RZD TEP70BS 123flagStantsiya Venev Stantsiya Venev

A train at a really hostile place for trainspotters

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©  Jun 29, 2024






Exposure: 1/8000
Aperture: f/1.8
Focal length: 135 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 08:10

A train at a really hostile place for trainspotters

Nice picture, and thanks for your efforts to get a photo here!

Thank you. And the story with this place is the following. For some reason locals do not welcome photoshooters here for almost a decade already. This year they even called the police and a photographer had some troubles.
The reason for such an attitude towards photograhpers here is not clear for me.
How bizarre
I think in Soviet days you could not photograph bridges. Maybe a leftover from that? But nice photo!
I do not think that it is the matter here. At this location there are different spots for photo and not only with the bridge. And the issues with the locals happen anywhere here around. The trainspotters who came here within recent 10 years have no explanation for such an attitude here.
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