
ScotRail 156 156457flagCorrour Corrour

2 sprinters in the middle of F-ing nowhere

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©  Sep 25, 2024





Canon EOS R

Exposure: 1/500
Aperture: f/9
Focal length: 47 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 16:55

2 sprinters in the middle of F-ing nowhere

So are you going for a walk? Decided not to choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers and warm and crowded train station with vending machines as a place for trainspotting...
Yeah, I went out for quite a few walks when I was there. Although I won't be sprinting
(the nickname of these 2 coupled DMU's is sprinter, in case you didn't know). At the time I was there, there were less than 10 people there. Only 4 people at night. I stayed at the former signal box, in which they have 3 rooms for rent. There was hardly phone reception and besides the room and a bed, all I had was the station cafe for food and drinks (and great food at that), a few power sockets, a book and a great landscape. Limited electricity at night, no lights to be seen in the entire area and all you could hear were the wind and the wind turbine.
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