
KAI BB 300 17flagStasiun Kereta Api Bandung Stasiun Kereta Api..

BB 300 17 in the Bandung Locomotiv Depot

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©  May 17, 2010






Exposure: 1/200
Focal length: 11.5 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 04:48

BB 300 17 in the Bandung Locomotiv Depot

A krupp type M700BB with MB 820B engine. Introduced in 1958-1959. The gauge is 1067 mm.
yes its looks like WDS4 but this loco from Krupp, Germany
this loco for shunting duty. But sometimes used for a passenger train
oh, in Indonesia there are no Freight locomotives or Passenger Locomotives. The all of locomotive are same. This is a Diesel Hydraulic locomotive same with WDS4
I hope in Indonesia there will be a spesific loco for Passenger and Freight. Your welcome.
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