
RENFE 447 183R+XXXRflagPuigcerda Puigcerda

First "Tren Blanc" of the ski seasson

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©  Dec 6, 2012





Canon EOS-1D Mark II

Exposure: 1/250
Aperture: f/9
Focal length: 55 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 16:38

First "Tren Blanc" of the ski seasson

Nice light
Thanks Jean Philippe
The "Tren Blanc" is a special service promoted by Rodalies de Catalunya 3 years ago, a easy way for go from Barcelona to the ski station of la Molina, on the Pyrenees. This service starts the travel at 6 AM and arrives to La Molina at 08:37 AM. The new of this year is that the train end the way in Puigcerdà, not in La Molina like the previous years. The return train starts the travel in Puigcerdà at 17:40, arrives at la Molina at 17:58 and ends the travel in Hospitalet at 20:42.
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