
ÖBB 1016 006flagAngertalbruecke railway bridge Angertalbruecke ra..

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©  May 4, 2013





Canon EOS 600D

Exposure: 1/640
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 24 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 16:50

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Stunning !
That picture is from May, right? Has the new bridge (the shadow of which can be seen in the bottom right corner of the picture) been opened yet?
The new bridge is not used yet. This will take at least some months or years.
Stunning shot! Which viaduct is this?
It's the so-called "Angerschlucht bridge" aka "Angertal bridge". As far as I have seen, there is no dedicated Wikipedia page about it, but you can find some information on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tauern_Railway

A photo showing the old and the new bridge is also available: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Tauernbahn-Angerschluchtbr%C..e.jpg
I thought so! Is the new bridge replacing this one or are both being used? I wonder if there is a photo of the Tauern Tunnel on trainspo.com? I'm new to this site and am still trawling through all the images. I'm in New Zealand, have never been in Europe but have always loved alpine railways. Thanks for your helpful comment and link.
@John Russlel, no we don't have a pics of this tunnel yet. You can try to find a places by browsing a country map, for example austrian pics on the map is here: http://trainspo.com/country/13/map/
@John: the new bridge is supposed to replace the old one. Interestingly, as far as I know, the old one is a protected monument. Don't know what will happen with it once the new one is finished. Just as a side note: the new bridge could have been put into service years ago, but that's another (not so) funny story...
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