
DRGW SD40T-2 5381flagMoab UT Moab

DRGW 5381 leads the Potash Local along the Colorado River.

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©  Oct 2, 1992





Scanned with a SprintScan 4000

DRGW 5381 leads the Potash Local along the Colorado River.

Amazing scenery!
It is indeed. Many naturally-formed sandstone arches exist in this area, which is also home to Arches National Park and Dead Horse Point State Park. The Corona Arch and others exist within a quarter mile of where I was standing to make this image. As for the train, it running south on the Cane Creek Branch, constructed in 1963 to serve a new potash mine southwest of Moab. The Potash Local makes one run per week to bring in empties and haul out loads. Unfortunately, the DRGW tunnel motors are long gone, and UP power now rules. Check out http://www.drgw.net/info/CaneCreekBranch for more on the operation.
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