
MM 81-710 5952flagStantsiya Vykhino Stantsiya Vykhino

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©  May 15, 2016






Exposure: 1/4000
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal length: 24 mm
ISO: 1000
Time: 15:42

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The Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line is the seventh (purple) line of the Moscow metro. Until recently, the main trains on this line were Ezh3 (head cars) and Em508T (intermediate cars). These are the oldest cars of the Moscow Metro born in the 1970s. On the photo Ezh3 (81-710) and a new type of wagon is 81-760. "Oka".
Now all Ezh3 on the purple line will be replaced by trains 81-765 "Moscow". The metro leadership promised to replace all Ezh3 on the line for new trains in 2018. However, half of the trains on the line is Ezh3. After they are replaced, they will go to the reserve for storage.
Also, in the photo the metro station Vykhino. It is unusual in that it is located on the ground section of the metro, it connects to the railway of the Kazan direction and has a "Vykhino" depot . Vykhino is the busiest station of the Moscow metro. What happens in the morning with the traffic of passengers called "Vykhino effect." There are accidents when trains hurt passengers, sometimes people fall on the rails under the train. In the morning Vykhino can be compared to boarding an electric train in Mumbai, when passengers storm the cars. Everyone is trying to go to the city center to work and even extra trains are not saved. Traffic intervals from 30 seconds to 1.30 minutes per hour of rush.
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