
IR WDP-3A 15516flagChiplun Mahārāshtra Chiplun

Superfast, Air-conditioned, luxurious Mumbai-Goa Tejas express.

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©  Jan 27, 2018





Superfast, Air-conditioned, luxurious Mumbai-Goa Tejas express.

storyIndian Railways Tejas express is new semi high speed train with flight-like experience on the tracks. The bright yellow luxurious train, with matching colored locomotive, runs with safer LHB coaches. The coaches are fitted with LED screens, coffee vending machines and WiFi and Fire and Smoke detection facilities.
How long does it take for the Tejas Express to reach from Mumbai to Karmali? I think it was more than 600 km. Somewhere around 11 o'clock?
Being a single line saturated section with number of crossings, it takes 8hours 20minutes to cover 552 kilometers with 5 scheduled halts. By the way presently India's fastest train is Nizamuddin(Delhi)to Agra 'Gatimaan express covering 188 kilometers in 1hour 40minutes.
Yes, I watched the video about Gatimaan Express. I know he works with WAP-5, so he flies fast, people must quickly escape from the rails, when he goes... I think for such a distance the ticket price is a bit expensive. Although the service of train passengers service is good.
I also saw that in India the Talgo trains from Spain were being tested. But did not see them in the work. What were these trains planned for?
@white.dead (Alexander)
Talgo speed trials were quite successful on prime route Mumbai-Delhi considering tracks here. But commercial terms did not work out between IR & Talgo in terms of direct procurement & technology transfer. Hence India is now working on making its own rolling stock fit for those speeds and spending on up-gradation of tracks.
Thanks for the info! 🙂
In Russia, too, Talgo has recently work, but he is on international routes.
Would he be able to go 120kph or more?
It is capable of doing 120kms/h. But presently cleared for 110.
@lalam Impressive! Thanks!
@Gle Thank you.
You have made the Tejas look like s hard working train!
Ramakrishna Naidu.
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