
IR WAP-4 22828flagShoranur rail bridge Kerala Shoranur rail bridge

ERODE WDP-4D meets ERODE WAP-4 !!!

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©  Jan 14, 2019





Canon EOS 1200D

Exposure: 1/400
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 55 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 14:44

ERODE WDP-4D meets ERODE WAP-4 !!!

Every time when I shoot trains on bridge, I wish two trains come opposite. It has happened before but timing was not perfect. Finally I got lucky. ERODE WAP-4 powered SABARI Express crossing ERODE WDP-4D powered ERNAKULAM Intercity Express on Bharatapuzha bridge .
@jmadhavadas Good job! Catching two moving trains in a scene is rare enough, even more so when perfectly positioned...
@Maersk.146 Thank you !!!Sheer luck that timing was perfect !!!
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