@alex26 The best part was I had to wait only 10 minutes after I got there for it to leave the yard and come out onto the street. It was a very lucky day.
@Maersk.146 The line leads to the STE's interchange with the UP. If you look closely you can see a tank car at the interchange yard in the background. Actually, when I think about it, this is the road's only line, and it leads from the yard to an industrial area where the railroad's customers are. It used to continue out into the country to cherry orchards around Linden, CA but that traffic is gone unfortunately. I've probably told you more than you ever wanted to know about the STE.
@Maersk.146 Thanks, Keith. Yeah, it doesn't seem that long ago that F40s were pushing E and F units out to pasture. Now railfans are hunting F40s before they disappear completely.