The third thing is that the locomotives similar to Re 460 in Hong Kong are not just "Re 460", KCR/MTR didn't give them a formal classification. There are also technical advancements in KCR/MTR locos, which are technically Re 460/465 crossbreeds, comparing to the original SBB Re 460. The namings closest to a formal classification are TLN/TLS, referring to both two locomotives. N and S mean north and south, directions of the two ends of ktt train which the locomotives were coupled to.
Another thing I've learnt is that HXD3C is no longer a TRAXX member (HXD3B is), as well as HXD1C to EuroSprinter (HXD1 and HXD1B). Most core parts and techs of both types have been replaced by domestically made Chinese ones.
The simply painted, medium speed DF4D (145km/h) is classified as DF4DK, and the faster one (170km/h) painted with stripes is classified as DF4DZ by railway personnels. However among railfans DF4DZ is incorrectly called "DF4DK", and the real DF4DK is called just "DF4D passenger type", just as now in trainspo's China vehicle list.
Please add LCR LCR200J in Laos catagory this is the photo Note this is the same type as CR200J, only different classification for different companies
NEWS: CRRC officially announced CR450AF and CR450BF. They are designed to run commercially at 400km/h Another new push-pull train class is being tested, CR220J (200km/h)
@jmadhavada The body is Pininfarina design similar to Lok 2000 (Re 460), at first there were panels covering the roof, due to some technical issues they were removed, which made the loco slimmer