Train 6236 is leaving Mýtna
Fast train 721 from Bratislava is leaving Bystričany
Fast train 720 from Prievidza is heading to Nováky
Fast train 720 from Prievidza near Alekšince
Train 5006 to Prievidza is leaving Komjatice
Fast train 720 to Bratislava is leaving Jelšovce
InterCity train 504 from Košice to Bratislava near Šenkvice
Special train to Bratislava Lamač
Locomotives 555.3008, 52.100, 464.001 and 475.101 in depot
Fast train 720 from Prievidza to Bratislava
Special train to Kremnica is heading to Kremnické Bane
Special train from Bratislava to Hronec near Volkovce
Fast train 371 Horehronec on Chramošský viaduct