
BN U30C 5383flagMarengo IL Marengo

BN 5383 takes the main by pulling a passing passenger train.

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©  Aug 7, 2011





Fujifilm A220 A230

Exposure: 10/1800
Aperture: f/4.1
Focal length: 11 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 16:06

BN 5383 takes the main by pulling a passing passenger train.

On which railway line is that? Is it actually running electric?
These tracks belong too the Illinois Railway Museum, this U30C is deisel. The museum also features electric streetcars, which is what I was standing in.
OK, nice! Will you also post pics of the streetcars?
And, are you sure if the position on the location map is correct? If I don't mistake, Illinois is Chicago and around, and the map shows a location in Connecticut...
Yeah, I can. When I was at the museum, it said one of the stops was "Kishwaukee Grove" so I figured it was real. I guess it isn't...:)
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