
WAB 701 009flagIseo Lombardy Iseo

Waiting to be scrapped

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©  May 20, 2018





Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Exposure: 1/400
Aperture: f/9.1
Focal length: 58 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 14:33

Waiting to be scrapped

This is a Class 701 Powered Catenary Maintenance Rail Car. Do you know, how the rail car with disassembled work platform and double arm pantograph on the top was used by Trenord? There is no catenary around Iseo.
@bfsSwiss was used for some spare parts for an ex ACT Schienenbus
@Davide Galli
Thanks for your interesting reply. I found some pictures of ALn 1204 and a photo montage of a 3 car unit. Does ALn 1204 still exist?
@bfsSwiss Yes in great external condition but still have some mechanical problem so it's stored in Iseo depot
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