
KiwiRail DL 9659flagTauranga Tauranga

Train MP6 Tauranga - Auckland (Portra 400)

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©  Dec 3, 2020





Canon FTb, FD 135/2.5

ISO: 400

Train MP6 Tauranga - Auckland (Portra 400)

Nice shot, one I've wanted to get for years. It's about the sunniest city in NZ but not whenever I visit!
Thank you very much! 🙂
Indeed, Tauranga-Hamilton line has the heaviest freight traffic on the Kiwi Rail network.
I stayed there for 2 days, both traffic and weather were excellent.
Also the coastal line along Bay of Plenty is good scenery and has at least a few log freights per day. Unfortunately I didn't have time this time, hopefully next time 🙂
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