
John Russell

Member, New Zealand158239725@N05 John Russell

pic commentMar 8, 2022

Let's hope that all survives. A lot of history in those cities. The people are very courageous and resilient and I pray they prevail.
pic commentNov 29, 2021

A good result for train colours IMO. It's hard to get that yellow right with Canon DSLRs once there's a bit of a build up of "work staining" (grime) Was this taken from Buckley Road near Shannon?
pic commentNov 26, 2021

Thanks Michael. Yes, this was shot from near Western Lake Road crossing.
pic commentDec 23, 2020

Oh you got the spot already! Very nice.
pic commentDec 23, 2020

One each way. There's a closer shot from the park but I had some trouble from bridge jumpers trying there. Trains were even being held up there a few years back.
pic commentDec 23, 2020

Very nice action shot. One of best DL shots I've seen. Perhaps share some of your photos on the Facebook groups where far more kiwi railfans see them.
pic commentDec 23, 2020

I noticed recently a bit of "gardening" is needed along there now. Nice shot. The colour getting bit too much on this and some other photos here. Are you editing the photos in different software now?
pic commentDec 23, 2020

Nice shot, one I've wanted to get for years. It's about the sunniest city in NZ but not whenever I visit!
pic commentNov 23, 2020

KiwiRail has just refurbished them at I'm told over $1M each. Most could still be running in 10 years. Indeed the DXBs are close to 50 years old now.
pic commentNov 6, 2020

Very nice shot there.
pic commentSep 9, 2020

Is this taken from Buckley Road?
pic commentAug 25, 2020

Thanks Michael.
pic commentAug 24, 2020

It's a great photo deserving of the audience there. Congrats. I note you have the owner as 3801 Limited on RP but here it's ARHS. Is NSW Transport Museum connected to ARHS?
pic commentAug 23, 2020

Lovely shot Michael. Please try getting it in RP. Also would be nice for Facebook groups.
pic commentJul 18, 2020

Are you working around Otaki now?