
ČD 680 002flagLiptovsky Mikulas Liptovsky Mikulas

CD 680 002 spotted in Liptovsky Mikulas

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©  Mar 4, 2023






Exposure: 1/750
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 40 mm
ISO: 125
Time: 12:24

CD 680 002 spotted in Liptovsky Mikulas

Isn't it dangerous to take photo on the tracks like here ?
Hi, no why? first track are not in use, ca. 50m behind me i have Signal and from behind you see 200-400m the route is straight. When u now what u doing is not dangerous
@bb9335 some people, especially in the eastern countries have a "different" way to see safety regulations. The first track is clearly used since it is not rusty, but even that it is not an excuse. Besides that it is sadly common to see people walking along railroad tracks, also train drivers are used to them. In western europe they would call the police and block the railway traffic.
@Taurus717 @bb9335 The conditions in quite some countries are different. Not only are drivers much more aware of the possibility of people on the tracks: the average speeds and the way drivers to through corners are also different. But the entire mindset is different. In western countries people want the trains on railway line to drive fast and unobstructed, the situation safe for everyone, whereas people don't want to obstruct their daily life because of the railway line. A train driver in Bulgaria once called "us" western european ones stupid for wasting money to build railway crossings everywhere like people can't drive further or watch out for their own safet when they are crossing the tracks. Probably unaware the average speeds are almost double in countries like France, Germany or The Netherlands.
(btw, having said that I hope nobody bothers me for standing in front of the train on this picture https://trainspo.com/photo/140049/ XD)
In countries like India, it appears that people walking on or congregating near the tracks is commonplace, due to dense foliage and perhaps a scarcity of roads or paths suitable for foot travel. And trains there are reasonably fast, too.
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