
AMTK F40PH 218flagPortland OR Portland

May 18, 2024, is 40th anniversary of Mt. St. Helens Eruption.

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©  Sep 9, 1979





May 18, 2024, is 40th anniversary of Mt. St. Helens Eruption.

So here she is a year before...
@Maersk.146 Were you up there when it blew? I drove through Portland right after when it was raining ash. It looked so soft and fluffy when it was coming down, but when you touched it it was like running your hand over heavy grit sandpaper.
@1cctlives - Yes, but I was out on the coast at a USAF radar site on that day and all the other times it erupted, so never actually saw any of that action. I did save some of the ash to send to my folks, which they still have. It was very gritty, to say the least. Heavy, too, and would not wash off with windshield wipers. We actually received some ash due to an easterly wind out there on the coast and had to wash down the entire radar site's roads with a fire hose to get rid of the stuff. It would raise a huge cloud of dust when you drove over it, but the rain would not move it.
Thank you for unique photo with the top of St. Helen volcano before eruption in the back!
@Ilia.Obuhov.52 - You are most welcome, Ilia!
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