
EVAG Combino Classic 716flagErfurt Thuringia Erfurt

Tramway of EVAG at Erfurt centre street.

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©  Aug 2, 2012






Exposure: 1/350
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 100
Time: 14:28

Tramway of EVAG at Erfurt centre street.

Here you can see one of the 12 new "Siemens Combino Classic" trams (20 meters long, 3 wagon parts), that Erfurt bought in 2011/2012.
It is connected with an 30-meters-long "Combino Advanced" (5 wagon parts). Together they can transport nearly 300 passengers (105+180). Erfurt is the only Combino-using city, where they operate not only alone, but also in a "couple" with a maximum length of 50 meters.
The picture was taken in the "Markstraße", the connection street between the places "Domplatz" and "Fischmarkt".
In the background you see the tower of "Allerheiligen", a church with a triangular ground plan, where gravesites are accommodated.
Next stop for this tram of line 3 ("Europaplatz" (Park&Ride) - Hospital - University - "Domplatz" - "Fischmarkt" - "Anger" - Central Station - "Urbicher Kreuz" (P&R)) is Fischmarkt.
This line is the longest and at the same time most frequented one.
All 6 Erfordian tram lines offer between 6 am and 6 pm 10-minute-intervals. The 3 lines that pass through "Marktstraße" (lines 3, 4 and 6) are transporting around 35,000 passengers per day; in whole Erfurt around 50,000 people are using the tram every day.
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