
RENFE 333.4 407flagGelida Gelida

Transfer of the 140-2054 (called Guadix) to Madrid

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©  Jan 12, 2014





Canon EOS 1000D

Exposure: 1/320
Aperture: f/5
Focal length: 45 mm
ISO: 400
Time: 09:28

Transfer of the 140-2054 (called Guadix) to Madrid

Was the steam loco in steam or is it fog in the distance? This looks like a significant viaduct - some detail about it would be nice!
It's the morning fog of the zone. I only know of that viaduct that it's a steel viaduct in the east of the Gelida's station, in the R4 line of Barcelona. Near the zone the line have another two viaducts similars.
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