
CFR Călători 40 0278-9flagRastolita Rastolita

"Pimped by Chernobyl" crew

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©  May 22, 2015





Canon EOS 650D

Exposure: 1/500
Aperture: f/6.3
Focal length: 21 mm
ISO: 200
Time: 12:02

"Pimped by Chernobyl" crew

Horror train...
@TrainsInRomania Indeed. Only H2SO4 may clean all the residue from its carbody. 278 deserves a better life and apprearance !
@mureseanu976 can you tell more about this "Pimped by Chernobyl" crew please 😉
@ter Built in 1974, overhauled 2003 by RELOC Craiova. appaling paintjob, some weathering and tad'am. Looks rather a disgrace than something worth photographing...I mean on the behalf of non-trainspotters, simply passengers. This locomotive depicts the very poor and shameless administration of CFR Calatori.
Story topic.
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