
SNCF BB 67400 67580flagEnsues-la-Redonne Ensues-la-Redonne

TER from Miramas to Marseille by the "Côte Bleue"

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©  Feb 19, 2016





Canon EOS 70D

Exposure: 1/800
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 34 mm
ISO: 250
Time: 12:35

TER from Miramas to Marseille by the "Côte Bleue"

This engine is preserved by SNCF in a state near to its original state with their logo and number plates
This route is so scenic, and the rolling stock also! Magnifique !
Yes this one of the most beautiful line in France. About the Rolling stock, on february all modern DMU was used for trains to mountain, so on this line, a lot of trains was operated with BB-67400. On the rest of year, the moderns DMU are present on more trains than these old one.
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