
ČDC 753.7 751flagBrniste Brniste

Rebuilt 753 locomotive with a train from Jablonné v Podještědí

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©  Apr 29, 2016





Canon EOS 7D

Exposure: 1/800
Aperture: f/6.4
Focal length: 24 mm
ISO: 160
Time: 09:38

Rebuilt 753 locomotive with a train from Jablonné v Podještědí

was it rebuilt with the same shape as original?
@pakdhelutfi To rebuilt a locomotive does not always mean that it get a new design. This batch of locomotives have been modernized by CZ-Loko in Česká Třebová between 2001 and 2011 removing all of their components such as engine, electrical components, gear shaft and so on, replacing all of these with new, modern ones. That makes the locomotive more reliable and cheaper in the maintenance. The only remaining part of the old "Brejlovec" (name of this locomotive family) is the chassis and the characteristic body of the locomotive, but inside it's a completely new one with modern engines from Caterpillar (Caterpillar 3512B DITA). Only in one case, CZ-Loko gave the Brejlovec a new facelift, for the mining and transport company SD-KD https://trainspo.com/model/4710/
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