
KiwiRail DC 4790flagWestfield Westfield

Train 211 to Wellington just starting the 680 Km overnight run.

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©  Jan 23, 2015





Canon EOS 60D

Exposure: 1/400
Aperture: f/9.1
Focal length: 58 mm
ISO: 320
Time: 18:36

Train 211 to Wellington just starting the 680 Km overnight run.

4790 working hard to get 211 up to track speed after pulling out of Auckland Freight Centre at Southdown. There must have been a loco shortage that day as this train was normally at least a DFT or DL hauled as far as Hamilton. It is passing through Westfield beside the marshalling yard where all other manifest trains depart from. The DC class (EMD G22AR) were rebuild from G12 (DA) in 1978-83. The exhaust on these units can be quite spectacular at times, especially on being started.
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