
SNCF BB 26000 26215flagSorcy-Saint-Martin Sorcy-Saint-Martin

Germany to Spain intermodal train

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©  Aug 23, 2017






Exposure: 1/200
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal length: 45 mm
ISO: 3200
Time: 02:06

Germany to Spain intermodal train

How did yo do this effect? Nice photo!
Hello. I used three flashes to light the side of the train and a fourth one to light the foreground. The final picture is a mix of two. The first one is the train exposed by the flashes and a second one is the factory in the background.
Nice One!
For all Trainspotters: Please remark that working with flashes along the railway is not strict legal in all countries. Before planning some kind of shots like this one, inform yourself about the possibilities.
Thanks for the advice Federico. Which countries actually forbid the use of flashes?
Generally it's not a good idea to make photos with flashes in the night. It can dazzle the Train driver so it can be punished with a complaint of Dangerous interference of Railway traffic (The train driver must see the Signals). Another story is if you know the Driver and he accords to such kind of pictures.
In Germany it is forbidden by law. also in Stations! In Other countries like Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Holland it's not forbidden by law but it is mainly not tolerated. If you plan to do some kind of pictures please ask the Station chief for permission. It's always a good gesture of respect of an area that is not yours.
Remind that in some Asian countries Photographing Railway stations could be punished by jail! (Because of Strategic infrastructure) Please inform about the regulations in your or the country you are visiting!
Thanks for this. I'm a train driver myself and I can tell you that there are plenty of lights that are not flashes and very annoying (cars, advertising, public lights, ...)
In this case, I knew the driver but in many other cases (like the ETMF also on Transpo) there are no lights in the vision field of the driver. I've been experimenting for around a year now with some friends drivers and their words are that the flash of light is the same feeling than when the pantograph is moving under the catenary.
I don't want Transpo to have troubles anyway and won't post any other night shots. I understand all the legal considerations and will act as a good citizen in the future 😉
Non-flash night photos are certainly welcome, so long as the vehicle is seen in good lighting conditions. 🙂
Well. I personally like this kind of shots. I only have to advice what the risk could be. You can upload all the kind of pictures that respects our community rules, but the responsibility of those pictures is of the photographer.
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