
SOO GP38-2 4436flagKansas City MO Kansas City

SOO 4436 approaches Sheffield Interlocking's diamonds.

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©  May 28, 1990





Scanned with a LS-8000

SOO 4436 approaches Sheffield Interlocking's diamonds.

In Italy doesn't exist rail crossing...only in Modena but rail of train with rail of tram
@Karl70 The Kansas City area has about 21 actual level-grade crossings on main tracks, including the four seen in this photo. There used to be many more before the railroads eliminated a lot of them during the 90's. Also, many puzzle switches (double-slip turnouts) existed well into the 80's, but most have been replaced with standard turnouts or eliminated altogether. Since US railroads have to maintain and pay property taxes on all their track, they try to save money any way they can. In many cases, they construct such crossings in panels to be installed all at once during 8-12 hour work periods where no trains are allowed through the location.
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