EC 158 Wien - Zagreb headed by a "moped" going northbound.
Rail train from Poago to Salamanca.
Bilbao - Abroñigal intermodal through La Cañada pass.
Special ALSA train descends La Cañada Pass.
Former Renfe 1603 Alco DL500 runs from Alcoy to Xativa.
Long train of empty grain wagons to Alcázar works for repair.
Ballast train enters Ul'anka Stanica.
Colorful heritage 269 leaving Torrelodones.
Last San Roque - Ponferrada JSV train.
Christmas train P. Pio - Torrelodones.
Landaben - Barcelona Can Tunis.
Propane train grinding Valdemoro curves rails.
Nohab locomotive on now closed Cuenca branch line.
A pair of silver 269.0 heads steel train to Sagunto.