If you have any ideas for a feature or an improvement, feel free to leave them in the comments. We can only grow with your participation.
Perhaps it's a nice idea to create a change log of Trainspo once in a while. Just to inform the big public about the development of this wonderful site.
Yep, it would be useful and I think it should be done in a time.
p.s. now we are working on the nice fullscreen show of pictures and sets
I hope there will be "the best photo ever in 2011" :p
Voting for the photo of 2011 will be started shortly after NY
Oh great thanks before
Lots of my pictures are have been placed in a "db" state, and it looks that they are not visible in the gallery. What exactly is the difference between the "ok" and the "db" state?
If the picture haven't passed moderation voting process, but we still need it in the database (new class picture, or just missing loco in the class, rare, unusual, etc..) the picture is accepted manually with "db" status.
I would like to know why my photo of FS E633 204 is so long awaiting moderation. What is the problem? thanks...
No problems, just still on the moderation voting process. Please use "report" button to contact team about specific picture, this topic is for requesting new features. Thank you.
What about an extra field which can be used for defining the start and end point of the photographed train. Very useful for passenger trains as well as known block trains or intermodals to plot there routes continentally.
This will be very interesting. I think it must be a new "train" or "route" item (like class or location) with route, timetable and pictures that can be assigned with this route. It's in the planning state we need somebody who can help to manage this feature. Maybe you?
Sure, no problem. Although I can't code it.
Hello Mikhail - A "re-upload" feature would be great for replacing existing images in the DB with improved versions of same. Re-uploads would be checked and approved, or not, by the moderators.
Regards - Joe Harrison
Hello. Yes, I'm fully agree with you - we really need this feature. I'm thinking about the implementation.
Maybe it's an idea to create a sort of template with required data fields when trying to add a new class/operator to the database instead of just a blank field.
Yep, we are working at this feature last months. It must be available soon.
10 pics of mine still waiting moderation since along time. Upload slots all complete.
Also there's a question if it's normal when uploaded photos are in a 'waiting' status for such long time (for weeks, months)? It would be better if they have been approved or rejected by moderators as soon as possible. That's my opinion.
please read more details about adding new pictures.
"If your picture has not been accepted for a long time (more than one week), it is best to upload another one, if you want to free up your slots. We do not delete unapproved pictures. They remain in your personal gallery."
http://trainspo.com/help/#moderation Secondly, we would like for you to only upload high quality photos. It is better to upload just a few, yet high-quality, photos than a lot of mediocre ones. At first you will only have a limited number of upload slots, so use them prudently. Photos will be available in your gallery immediately after the upload, but you will receive new slots after the moderators approve your photos, or other members will rate your images positively. If you do not receive new slots for a long time, maybe it makes sense to remove the unsuccessful photos and upload new ones.
http://trainspo.com/about/ Feel free to ask any questions, thank you.
I write for a feature:
I think that it's possible to add in summary page of account the number of class of "Collection"; the same of "Discovered" sheet.
Best regards,
I think there could be a possibility to add my e-mail and maybe other information about photographer to my profile page.
And also I think that grey background would be better for this gallery. It would be a lot better to watch photos from grey background rather than white, especially when you are in dark room. What do you think?
But overall I like this gallery very much, definitely one of the best railway gallerys on the net :))
this would be implemented in the site update.
We are thinking about contact form, it really need to be present.
And about the background, we have a very nice feature - fullscreen view. Just find comfortable place, relax, and click on the picture to goto fullsreen mode

Click play, if you want to release your hands
Is it possible to link some companies to more than one abbreviation?
For example the Belgian state railways use both NMBS (Dutch) as well as SNCB (French) as a abbreviation.
It's possible, we need to add this in the next site update.
You can see maps per person but isn't it possible to see a complete map with everybody's uploads. It is quite useful to search for new locations or when you are in the neighbourhood to see if there are any good spots.
Thanks for the idea. We are thinking about something like this.
I think it's good to add links to "Cameras" on Summary page. For example, I click "Canon EOS 500D" on my page, then I see a page with the list of all the users with the same camera (see the Flickr features).
Best regards,
Ok, thanks!
I'm disappointed because it's not anymore possible to upload in 1200 px-size, as is was possible until now. I don't want to upload the original picture. Perhaps it sounds unpolite, but if this wouldn't be changed, i will no longer upload pictures on this site.
Kind regards,
We haven't any changes for about one year - minimum picture width is 1280px.
Hello Mikhail,
i found the reason for the problem.
In the last months I uploaded in 1280px-resolution, but yesterday the size of my picture was 1200px.
Thanks for your fast answer.
Is it possible to integrate a link-button (like the flickr-button), so that the users can present their own websites ?
Kind regards,
> Is it possible to integrate a link-button
Yes, it should be implemented soon
Country maps are very cool, but the emphasis on infrastructure should be about railways, not highways and roads! Can you tweak the maps so that they can display railway infrastruture? Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Country map is the huge common object what shown only geographic layer. You can switch to the railway infrastructure from the specific location page. For example here:
http://trainspo.com/geo/7839154/ you can switch to Cloudmade or Transport map and see railway lines etc.
Ok, thanks! Anyway, to be able to see the full (working) railway lines of any given country would give anyone a fast perception of photos vs. locations.
There's an issue that's been bugging me since the buy of a widescreen (16:9) display. When opening a full-view, photos are always fitted by width, which means virtually every photo in 16:9 is getting cropped by its height. There's no way (at least I haven't found any) to view the whole picture, it doesn't fit into the screen and there's even no chance to move around or scroll. Also, it seems to be always stretching the pic to user's display width and if the uploaded original width is lesser than display's (1920 px in my case), the result is poor quality due to extrapolation.
I would be very grateful if you point out a workaround for this (am I missing something?) or improve gallery screen fitting behaviour.
I think about an idea:
change automatically the "cover" of operator (see here, for example:
http://trainspo.com/country/109/operators/ ) with the picture most liked in the gallery of the same operator.
Best regards,
We have 4 options of cropping image on fullscreen view:
1) do not crop at all.
2) crop to scale by width and height
3) will scale the image to fill the height of the stage.
4) will scale the image to fill the width of the stage.
The default option is 4. How we can made it better? Adding an option to your personal settings?