Scarborough - Sheffield train
TLR 101 Casablanca Voyaguers - Beni Nsar leaving Fes
Heavy diesel in the Carpathians
A mixed freight heading for Ulaanbaatar
@davuz95 It doesn't at the moment, they are rebuilding it and I doubt it'll return with VL8's
VL8-537 on mixed train heading
A long container trains snakes south through Mongolia
Heading to Youssoufia with an empty phosphate train from Safi
750 164 is seen hauling an M62 (781)
@da.martos92 Oh I didn't realise it was, that's interesting.
DH 365 with TLR 303 Al Atlas- Tanger Ville – Oujda
E-1261 with train TL 700 Safi - Benguerir
With train TLR 622 Marrakesh - Fes "Al Atlas"
Half of 2TE116UM leads a short mixed freight south