
KiwiRail DL 9636flagGordon Gordon

GC (Genesis Coal) train heading to Rotowaro (Portra 400)

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©  Dec 4, 2020





Canon FTb, FDn 50/1.4

ISO: 400

GC (Genesis Coal) train heading to Rotowaro (Portra 400)

Hi Kees, MP
(Metroport) Trains don’t carry coal, It’s a GC (Genesis Coal) train heading to Rotowaro. Nice picture, many years ago you could get a lot closer to the Kaimai tunnel portal on that side, now it’s all fenced off!
Hi Michael,
Thanks for information!
Indeed it is afternoon GC train, not MP.
It is beautiful spot indeed. I tried to get closer to the tunnel, but as you say, it is all fenced.
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