
BNSF ES44C4 8068flagSugar Creek MO Sugar Creek

BNSF 8068 West moves Canadian oil toward Texas refineries.

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©  Feb 27, 2021






Exposure: 10/20000
Aperture: f/8
Focal length: 200 mm
ISO: 3200
Time: 07:28

BNSF 8068 West moves Canadian oil toward Texas refineries.

Did you bought new camera? How is it compared to D750?
Yes, so far it's good. Still testing its capabilities.
@Maersk.146 Congrats on your new camera then! Is there any noticeable difference in image quality? And how easy it is to work with those huge files?
Thanks! I've waited a long time to get one with such features. The most noticeable improvement is in sharpness - with no Optical Low-Pass filter on the sensor, images are much sharper, requiring very little sharpening in post. I think the color rendition is good, with more settable options. The file sizes are huge, yes, but not a major problem with a decent computer processor and SSD drives for rapid throughput and storage. Of course, huge files are not needed for internet postings, so any large file may be reduced somewhat for that purpose (retaining a large original for printing purposes).
You should splurge and get one! 😀
@Maersk.146 Well D850 is definitely in my wish list 🙃 But for now I am satisfied with D750, it is still very capable camera. Maybe in few years when D850 prices come down, I will get one.

Enjoy your new camera!
Yes, they should drop in price a bit when the replacement is announced (D880, perhaps) this Spring. D850 was on sale in December for $500 off, and sold out everywhere in a week. And yes, the D750 is still very good.
@Maersk.146 D850 is very popular everywhere, possibly best DSLR ever made 🙃
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