
KiwiRail DL 9072flagShannon Shannon

Train 262 Wellington - Palmerston North

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©  Aug 14, 2020





Canon FTb, FDn 50/1.4

ISO: 100
Time: 10:01

Train 262 Wellington - Palmerston North

Kindly consider the rating "Too much software filtering" irrelevant for the current picture.
This picture was taken on Kodak Ektar film that has high saturation of colours. The colours in this picture are natural colours of Kodak Ektar, not result of software filtering.
@Kees I see what you mean about the colours, the green around the gate is an interesting shade! Nice catch.
@Kempy72 Thank you very much! 🙂
A good result for train colours IMO. It's hard to get that yellow right with Canon DSLRs once there's a bit of a build up of "work staining" (grime) Was this taken from Buckley Road near Shannon?
There’s a John Bovis shot of 70s Wellington to Napier passenger service ‘The Endeavour’ taken at the same spot.
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