
BNSF ES44AC 6127flagLittle Spearfish Lake WA Little Spearfish L..

Westbound BNSF freight train passing Spearfish park

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©  May 6, 2023





iPhone 14 Pro

Exposure: 1/5848
Aperture: f/1.8
Focal length: 6.86 mm
ISO: 80
Time: 17:28

Westbound BNSF freight train passing Spearfish park

Very nice, Yuri!
@Maersk.146 Thank you! I've been trying to find a nice place in the Gorge for a while, with most of them being on a private property or just not accessible. This little park turned out a real gem. Power line would definitely fit better on the other side of the track, but it is what it is.
Yes, I see. Well, power lines always have a habit of living right where they're least desirable. That said, your overall scene makes them fit in as well as could be hoped I must congratulate you on finding this spot. I made several trips up the Gorge during my USAF Oregon coast service in '78-'80 and never knew this place existed. It's very nice.
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