
BART Loram LRG 5063flagOakland CA Oakland

at BART's Oakland Shops

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©  Dec 10, 2023





iPhone 11

Exposure: 1/3000
Aperture: f/1.8
Focal length: 4.25 mm
ISO: 32
Time: 13:28
GPS: 37.7912 -122.2578
879K 1920x1257

at BART's Oakland Shops

Built by LORAM, this is a series of rail grinders made especially for lighter applications, such as transit systems like BART. The rail grinders can be customized to the size wanted by the buyer. This one looks to have three grind carts with four grinding stones each, plus a power car and a rear cab car. Here is a link to the manufacturer's website describing the product. https://loram.com/maintenance-of-way/rail-maintenance/transit-r..ries/
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